Vitiligo: how to treat yourself naturally?

Vitiligo: how to treat yourself naturally?

Degenerative problem that arises when the cells that have the role of pigmenting the skin die, leukoderma or vitiligo is a skin condition that causes a deficiency in the production …

Ambition: how to be more ambitious?

Ambition: how to be more ambitious?

To be successful in any business, it is obvious that you have to be persevering in addition to your regular work since results have to come over time. We’re talking …

Yoga Nidra: solution to fight against stress?

Yoga Nidra: solution to fight against stress?

Headache, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, intense fatigue … A whole series of symptoms which often reveal a state of daily stress. A situation experienced by many people over a short period …

Stress ulcer in the stomach: what solutions?

Stress ulcer in the stomach: what solutions?

Generally speaking, an ulcer is a disconcerting situation that causes excruciating pain. As such, it is obvious that it is important to find the most appropriate solutions to remedy it. …

ASMR: method of relaxation on sound?

ASMR: method of relaxation on sound?

Can Man Finally Live Stress Free? Without having to spend thousands of euros on litanic therapies? For many people, this is indeed possible with the advent of ASMR, which they …

Hot Bath: Grandma’s Cure for Anxiety?

Hot Bath: Grandma’s Cure for Anxiety?

The fast pace of everyday life can sometimes give way to a feeling of anxiety. In order not to let “bad stress” set in, it’s important to take care not …

Inner powers: how to develop your gifts?

Inner powers: how to develop your gifts?

Many people have inner powers within them that are still unknown to them, and you may be one of them. It is thus possible to have inner powers without noticing …

Stress and lithotherapy: anti-stress stones?

Stress and lithotherapy: anti-stress stones?

In today’s world, people are faced with all types of situations that trigger a series of chemical reactions responsible for stress and anxiety. It is possible that some people develop …