Balneotherapy: benefits for osteoarthritis?

Balneotherapy: benefits for osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis is a disease that can result from various factors. Among them are: genetic causes, overweight, trauma, overworked joints, but especially chronic stress. The latter is very often considered as …

How to poop correctly?

How to poop correctly?

Foods, after having undergone several transformations in the body, migrate to the small intestine. At this level, nutrients pass into the blood through the intestinal villi. Waste is stored in …

How to open the heart chakra (solar plexus)?

How to open the heart chakra (solar plexus)?

According to Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, the chakras are energy vessels that govern the physiological qualities of the body. There are seven main chakras. In the upper part of the …

ADHD: how to concentrate?

ADHD: how to concentrate?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is affecting more and more people. People with this disorder primarily exhibit a severe lack of concentration. It can therefore become a particular source of …

Unhealthy shyness: how to get out of it?

Unhealthy shyness: how to get out of it?

The fear of expressing oneself freely; difficulty finding words or getting them out of your mouth; lack of self-confidence, these are just a few signs of sickly shyness. In fact, …

Excessive sweating: how to sweat less?

Excessive sweating: how to sweat less?

It is perfectly healthy for a human to sweat. Through sweating, the body eliminates many toxins. In very hot weather, the body can wick between 1 and 2 liters of …

Unconditional love: how to live it fully?

Unconditional love: how to live it fully?

Seen from several angles, it has various characteristics and we distinguish several types, in this case unconditional love. This is a variant of love which is devoid of any interest …

Previous life: how to know and remember?

Previous life: how to know and remember?

Subject of discussion, the past life is seen as a reality for many people. Thus, there are many techniques for remembering one’s past life. These usually involve regression through a …

Stress before an exam: how to calm down?

Stress before an exam: how to calm down?

For any learner, the exam is the most feared moment, even more so when the days draw near. Between the desire for resounding success and the fear of making mistakes, …

Impostor syndrome: how to cure?

Impostor syndrome: how to cure?

In everyday life, you can meet people whose sense of modesty is literally excessive or even disparaging. In this kind of case, the person is like a racehorse hidden in …

Tendonitis: how to treat and relieve pain?

Tendonitis: how to treat and relieve pain?

Tendinitis, if not treated quickly, can lead to paralysis of infected limbs. In fact, tendinitis is an irritation of the ligaments which connect the bones and the muscles of the …

Positive visualization: how to visualize mentally?

Positive visualization: how to visualize mentally?

With the evolution of humanity, several feats have been achieved in the fields of neuroscience, psychology and parapsychology. Research has combined over time techniques from conventional Western medicine and traditional …

Natural healing mouthwash: how to do it?

Natural healing mouthwash: how to do it?

Good oral hygiene relies on careful brushing. But some problems, such as bleeding gums, require the use of a healing mouthwash in addition. Sold in pharmacies or supermarkets, it is …

Eyelid trembling: how to stop it?

Eyelid trembling: how to stop it?

After a stressful day at work, it sometimes happens that you have the feeling that your eyelids are shaking. This is a common phenomenon that for the most part is …

Childbirth: how to breathe well to push?

Childbirth: how to breathe well to push?

Childbirth consists of several phases including the expulsion phase also called the pushing phase. It is one of the last phases to go through to feel the immense joy of …

OCD: how to get rid of it?

OCD: how to get rid of it?

When Obsessive Compulsive Disorders commonly referred to as “OCD” arise in a person’s life or if they have been present since childhood, it is almost impossible to get rid of …

Sadness: how to heal and go up the slope?

Sadness: how to heal and go up the slope?

Sadness is a lethargic state that reflects emotional pain characterized by feelings of disadvantage, helplessness, and disappointment. It is linked to loss, despair and grief. It manifests as crying, loss …