Chronic hyperventilation syndrome: how to get out of it?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Hyperventilation refers to an increased rate of breathing, which is very fast and full breathing.
It is also synonymous with shallow breathing.
Chronic hyperventilation syndrome therefore has harmful effects on your health.
Although medical intervention is recommended in some complex cases, there are also ways of treatment at home.
Find out in this article the means of treatment of chronic hyperventilation syndrome.
About hyperventilation syndrome
Chronic hyperventilation syndrome is mostly equated with spasmophilia and includes breathing problems (hyperventilation) as well as tetany.
This syndrome affects both women and men and the trigger is usually emotional events that are stressful.
Causes of the syndrome
In most cases, chronic hyperventilation syndrome is caused by a situation of anxiety or stress.
A lack of oxygen as well as a lung disease can also be the cause of this syndrome.
Thus, people suffering from pneumonia, asthma, heart failure or pulmonary fibrosis are at high risk for chronic hyperventilation syndrome.
Manifestations of the syndrome
People with hyperventilation syndrome often have the following symptoms.
- Fatigue and exhaustion;
- A lack of air;
- Yawns;
- Pain in the rib cage;
- Cough;
- Vision problems;
- Insomnia;
- Stress;
- Depression;
- Dizziness;
- Headaches;
- Panic;
- Dizziness;
- Concentration problems;
- Strong irritability.
Curing hyperventilation syndrome: taking the necessary measures at home
It is possible to treat this syndrome in you by certain simple and useful steps.
Breathe through your nose
This is the first step in combating chronic hyperventilation syndrome.
It helps regulate your breathing rate and eliminate the abdominal impacts caused by the syndrome (bloating, burping, etc.).
Breathing through your nose also helps eliminate bad breath and dry mouth.
To be more effective, it is recommended that you clean your nasal passages before you start.
Practice aerobic exercises
Aerobic exercise is helpful in curing chronic hyperventilation syndrome because it helps you optimize your breathing by breathing deeply.
They also help to have better health, both psychological and physical.
Anxiety is greatly reduced with these exercises.
Jogging and swimming are examples of aerobic exercise.
Breathe through your stomach
People with chronic hyperventilation syndrome use the shallow breathing solution.
The latter is not practical because it causes insufficient oxygen in the blood.
In fact, with shallow breathing, only the upper part of the lungs receives air.
At the same time, it causes an increase in exhaled carbon dioxide which can worsen the hyperventilation syndrome.
Try to breathe in with your nose while using your diaphragm to move more air into the lungs and increase the volume of oxygen in the blood.
Breathe deeply through your nose and watch your belly expand, then your chest.
Avoid caffeine consumption
Caffeine is the source of increased brain activity which leads to insomnia, anxiety, stress and poor breathing.
Caffeine is therefore linked to chronic hyperventilation syndrome and stopping breathing during sleep (apnea).
You should therefore reduce its consumption or even stop it.
After breakfast, avoid products with caffeine in order to get a peaceful night’s sleep.
Lack of sleep leads to anxiety, which in turn causes hyperventilation.
Caffeine is found in energy drinks, soft drinks, chocolate, etc.
Knowing that anxiety and stress are the two main causes of chronic hyperventilation syndrome, we must then try to fight them.
Practice stress relieving exercises like yoga or meditation to help you relax and block access to stress.
Yoga, for example, involves breathing exercises that are very effective in curing hyperventilation.
Learn how to manage your daily stress by adopting a positive mind and fighting against pessimism.
Sleep deprivation should be avoided if you want to combat stress, as insufficient sleep impacts the immune system and leads to depression and anxiety.
Avoid tight clothing
When you wear tight clothes, you have a hard time taking deep breaths.
Avoid pants that are too tight on the stomach, otherwise it will be difficult to breathe through the stomach.
Likewise, clothes should not tighten your neck or chest.
To better fight chronic hyperventilation syndrome, avoid scarves, ties, and turtlenecks that make you feel as though you are suffocating.
Wearing tight clothes makes you feel as though you are suffocating and can very quickly lead to a fit.
Choose clothes in soft materials such as silk or cotton.
When the case seems to be very serious: turn to a doctor
Go see a doctor
Anxiety and stress are the main causes of hyperventilation syndrome and they are the most well known.
However, we must not forget that they are not the only causes and therefore in some cases, calling a doctor will be the most suitable solution.
He can do tests and bring out the real source of this hyperventilation.
Asthma, lung cancer, heart failure or drug abuse can cause this hyperventilation.
After you have had your medical tests, you will find out what it is and the doctor can prescribe medication.
Call a psychologist or psychiatrist
If the doctor has discovered a serious illness that is the cause of your chronic hyperventilation syndrome, he may be concerned that you may be exposed to panic and stress.
Ask for recommendations from a good psychologist or a qualified psychiatrist.
This will be of great help to you and will allow you to fight against depression, stress, anxiety, phobias, etc.
It will be a kind of psychological force that will help you resist anything stress-related and fight your fears.
Breathing with the paper bag can be very effective in fighting chronic hyperventilation syndrome.
However, people who suffer from heart disease or chronic illnesses should avoid it.
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