
Excessive eye blinking: a nervous tic?

Excessive eye blinking: a nervous tic?

Blinking is a normal and important phenomenon in humans. This involuntary reflex, also called nictation, helps moisten the eye by distributing tear fluid (tears) evenly over the surface of the …

Stress ulcer in the stomach: what solutions?

Stress ulcer in the stomach: what solutions?

Generally speaking, an ulcer is a disconcerting situation that causes excruciating pain. As such, it is obvious that it is important to find the most appropriate solutions to remedy it. …

Skin cancer: symptoms and causes?

Skin cancer: symptoms and causes?

Usually, the manifestations of skin cancer are not easily seen. In fact, most often, the affected person does not feel pain or itching, let alone bleeding. It is a very …

How to increase your endorphins?

How to increase your endorphins?

Endorphins are the body’s neurotransmitters that work effectively on opioid receptors. This substance is secreted by the hypotalomo-pituitary complex during intense activities: arousal, orgasm and pain. Physical exertion provides a …

Carpal tunnel: what natural treatment?

Carpal tunnel: what natural treatment?

The median nerve as well as the flexor tendons of the wrists all come together at a canal called the carpal tunnel. Carpal tunnel syndrome results in compression of the …

Back pain: how can I stop having pain?

Back pain: how can I stop having pain?

Back pain means an unhappy life that you cannot wish to anyone. The resulting pain is sometimes mild but can turn into permanent discomfort. Because of the bad postures we …

Ophthalmic migraine: how to get rid of it?

Ophthalmic migraine: how to get rid of it?

Migraines are claiming more and more victims. Symptoms of migraines are headaches accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In the rarest cases, these symptoms come with blurred vision and are called …

Anorexia nervosa: how to regain your balance?

Anorexia nervosa: how to regain your balance?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder found in the family of eating behavior disorders (ATD), just like bulimia and hyperphagia. This disease mainly affects girls aged 14 to 20 and …

Night anxiety: how to calm stress at night?

Night anxiety: how to calm stress at night?

Many people complain that they cannot sleep at night. This situation generally occurs without warning signs during the day. It may be due to stress that manifests overnight. These sleep …

Nervousness: how to calm irritability?

Nervousness: how to calm irritability?

Do you find that you are no longer able to control your thoughts sometimes? Do you have sweaty hands? Are you stressed? You might be going through a nervous situation. …

Otitis: how to treat it naturally?

Otitis: how to treat it naturally?

Otitis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the ear and is a widespread condition. It often affects the cavities and ducts of this organ. Several factors can cause otitis …

Heart palpitations: how to calm your heart?

Heart palpitations: how to calm your heart?

Is your heart beating abnormally, or do you feel your heart rate go up often? Do not neglect heart palpitations if they recur. Often linked to particular emotions such as …

Dry skin: how to moisturize it naturally?

Dry skin: how to moisturize it naturally?

Pain, irritation, and tightness, dry skin is an illness that nobody wants. It affects many people and can have severe consequences on your mood because of the discomfort. The causes …

Psoriasis: can we heal naturally?

Psoriasis: can we heal naturally?

Psoriasis is a skin disease with unpleasant symptoms. It exists in several forms, the most recurrent being plaque psoriasis and guttate psoriasis. We also talk about pustular, palmoplantar psoriasis, and …

Dandruff: how to get rid of it naturally?

Dandruff: how to get rid of it naturally?

Dandruff is an eyesore for men and women. They are due either to a skin infection called seborrheic dermatitis or to an excessively dry scalp. These are real causes of …

Parkinson's: prevention solutions?

Parkinson’s: prevention solutions?

We are talking in this article about a particularly dreaded disease in the world, Parkinson’s disease. This pathology is a degenerative condition that affects a distinct category of nerve cells …

Aerophagia: how to relieve yourself naturally?

Aerophagia: how to relieve yourself naturally?

Aerophagia is an intestinal disorder that affects thousands of people around the world. It manifests itself more, particularly in adults. Several simple hygienic-dietetic measures can be implemented to relieve aerophagia. …

Anorexia : how to get your appetite back ?

Anorexia : how to get your appetite back ?

At the forefront of eating disorders that affect many people is anorexia. Like bulimia or overeating, anorexia is a dangerous behavioral disorder that can have severe consequences for the health …

Pericarditis : how to release the pericardium ?

Pericarditis : how to release the pericardium ?

The heart is the sensitive and essential organ of the organism because of its role in regulating blood circulation throughout the body. The pericardium envelops it: a fibro-serous layer made …

Tinnitus: how to relieve ringing in the ears?

Tinnitus: how to relieve ringing in the ears?

Tinnitus is a hearing system disorder affecting more than eight million people in France. This condition is often manifested by several types of noise, such as hissing or buzzing. There …

Lice : how to get rid of it ?

Lice : how to get rid of it ?

Lice are tiny little insects that can sometimes be found on several parts of the body. When they are not quickly eliminated, they can easily multiply and spread everywhere, affecting …