Period blockage: can stress delay your period?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Your period is slow in coming and you do not know the reasons?
Blocked periods can be due to several reasons: sport, pregnancy or even extreme weight gain.
However, have you thought about the stress factor?
You may not know it, but stress sometimes takes a significant toll on your body and can even block your period.
Through this article, we will help you better understand the causes of period blockages.
Rules blocking: causes
The delay of the rules can indeed be caused by a multitude of reasons.
You will surely think that it is a pregnancy, but no!
This could be due to: hormonal changes, weight loss or even stress.
The different reasons for blocking rules
Excessive sport
Indeed playing sports is of course a very good thing for you, but like any activity, you should never overdo it.
When you push your body too hard, it cannot produce enough estrogen because it is too tired.
People such as athletes, gymnasts, dancers etc .; who play sports excessively, usually have a minimum period of three months.
A disease
Even a simple cold can be a drag on your period.
Indeed when you are sick, your body takes priority.
That is, he decides for you, prioritizing your care.
Indeed your well-being is more important than anything else so he prefers that you take care of yourself first.
As a result, it sacrifices your menstrual cycle to fight the infection as well as possible and keep you as long as possible while guaranteeing you very good health.
Extreme weight loss or gain
A large loss or gain in weight can stop menstruation for several months.
Indeed your body does not like sudden changes.
Your weight has a big impact on your brain by regulating your internal clock or menstrual cycle.
People suffering from anorexia or bulimia, for example, are very often subject to this phenomenon, due to the fact that their bodies do not produce enough estrogen.
On the other hand, when you are overweight the body produces too much estrogen.
This causes a heavy period, and at some point the period will stop on its own for a while.
Often times, medications, especially the pill, have a role to play when your period is late in coming.
You have just started taking it, no need to worry!
It can take a long time for your body to adjust to certain contraceptives.
Antidepressants and antipsychotics can also affect your menstrual cycle.
Polycystic ovary syndrome
This syndrome is indeed a hormonal disorder that can affect between 6 and 10% of women.
Most of the time when you are confronted with this disease, the symptoms often appear at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and sometimes in your twenties or thirties.
These cysts tend to accumulate in the ovaries and usually increase in size.
This leads to a virtual non-existence of rules.
Early menopause
It is due to premature exhaustion of the ovaries, destroyed by antibodies or infection.
And sometimes it is quite simply the result of heredity.
Stress can also be one of the main reasons.
And thus cause disturbances in your menstrual cycle.
Blocking your period: stress
Stress may well be one of the reasons why your period is blocked.
It may happen that you are overworked, that you think a lot …
It will therefore impact your body.
Also know that there is no need to think too much about your period when it is slow to arrive, because the more you think the more it will increase your stress, which will continue to impact on your body.
Indeed, it may happen that you are subject to internal stress, you risk a functional hypothalamic amenorrhea.
It happens when hormones in one part of your brain that regulate your period no longer work well.
This causes a disruption of your period.
Stress: what types?
There are two types of stress:
Acute stress
It is due to a specific event, a transient stress which can be caused by events without major consequences.
A move for example, a change in work schedule, or the simple fact of getting up early.
Your body must therefore adapt to this event.
Chronic stress
Chronic stress is stress that sets in all the time, due to the fact that you are subjected to certain delicate situations for which you have not prepared yourself.
The only problem is that your body isn’t built to be under constant stress.
Chronic stress is therefore very harmful.
Its main role will be to disrupt important functions of your body, including the menstrual cycle and periods.
Which is also very normal.
If you are stressed all the time without realizing it, your body takes priority!
He has the impression that you are not in the mood to welcome a baby.
As a result, it slows down ovulation and therefore menstruation.
So if you can identify the cause of your stress and manage it, your period will become natural.
Change of pace because of blocked rules
According to research, hostesses and nurses are very familiar with this problem, the change in the pace of your life can disrupt many things in your life.
Sleep and periods are one of them.
Indeed people with staggered hours are very subject to this problem and are very lucky to have their period late.
Ultimately, remember that you shouldn’t panic when your period is late in coming.
Especially if you’ve been seriously overworked lately.
These are things that can happen to anyone.
Without being sick it is nothing but stress.
So learn to relax but also not to think about it too much and they will come quite quickly and naturally.