Dry or oily cough: how to treat yourself naturally?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Coughing is a sudden, forced exhale reflex that cleans the airways.
It may be due to several causes.
It could be pneumonia, bronchitis, a viral infection, or an allergic reaction.
Also, coughing can be caused by taking certain medications.
Either way, it causes great discomfort and can generate serious stress when in public.
Sometimes the cough can interfere with the ability to get a good sleep.
Unlike a fatty cough, a dry cough is said to be non-productive because it is often an irritating cough.
With the advancement of medicinal research, there are many products that can treat a cough.
However, before you jump on a bottle of cough syrup, there are several effective natural ways to combat a cough.
This article explains how to naturally treat a cough, whether it is dry or oily.
Pineapple juice
Because of its effectiveness, pineapple juice is considered the best “cough syrup”.
Several studies conducted by scientists have proven this assertion.
This is because pineapple juice contains bromelain, an enzyme that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
This enzyme helps pineapple juice reduce irritation of the throat and relieve even the most stubborn coughs.
Plus, pineapple juice contains other nutrients that can help with coughs.
These are among others potassium, manganese and magnesium.
These mineral salts help stimulate the immune system, which helps the body fight infections that cause coughs.
Here’s a pineapple juice recipe that’s effective against all types of coughs.
- 1 cup of pineapple juice;
- the juice of a quarter of a freshly squeezed lemon;
- 1 teaspoon of ground ginger;
- 1 tablespoon of organic honey;
- 1 pinch of cayenne pepper;
- and 1 pinch of salt.
Once these elements are combined, mix them in a blender.
Then drink a glass of this elixir three times a day.
Warning !
Do not take this remedy on an empty stomach, to avoid irritating your stomach.
Green myrtle, effective against fatty coughs
Green myrtle is a shrub from the myrtaceae family like eucalyptus.
Have its essential oil near you and you will be able to scream, sing, laugh out loud, etc., without the risk of coughing and conquering the stress associated with it!
This is because myrtle essential oil contains a molecule called 1-8 cineole.
It is a terpene oxide that has many properties.
It is at the same time mucolytic, expectorant and anti-infective.
In other words, the essential oil of green myrtle promotes the de-congestion and the expulsion of secretions blocking the respiratory tract.
This is the good reason to use this plant.
To get rid of a fatty cough, here is the perfect myrtle essential oil recipe.
- 1 tablespoon of organic honey;
- 2 drops of myrtle essential oil;
- 1 drop of essential oil of radiated eucalyptus;
- and 1 drop of ravinstara essential oil.
Once the elements are together, mix everything together and slowly swallow, rubbing the mixture on your palate with your tongue.
This technique helps to decongest the nasal passages.
Repeat the operation three times a day until the cough subsides.
Thyme against dry coughs
This plant is used when the cough occurs in fits.
According to pharmacy doctor Fabienne Millet, thyme has analgesic properties because it helps reduce the inflammation caused by coughing in the throat.
According to her, thyme also has spasmolytic properties, as it helps reduce coughing fits.
In short, it is a miracle plant that heals the entire respiratory system.
Thyme also has antiseptic properties that help fight any virus or infection that causes coughs.
Here is the perfect thyme recipe to get rid of a dry cough.
- 1 teaspoon of thyme;
- 1 teaspoon of honey;
- and 1 large cup of hot water.
The preparation is simple.
Let the thyme steep in the cup of hot water for ten minutes.
Then add the honey, stir and sip.
Drink four to five cups a day.
In case the taste is unbearable for you, thyme powder is also available in capsules.
One to three capsules per day will have the same effect.
Honey: a grandmother’s remedy for coughs
Honey is known for these many virtues.
Certainly, it is useful for the simulation of cognitive abilities, but it is also very effective against respiratory problems.
Honey accelerates the healing of a cough because it contains a high concentration of antioxidants.
These work more effectively than pharmaceutical syrups.
In addition, honey contains up to 80% sugar.
This 100% organic sugar causes hypersecretion of mucus.
Also, honey lines the mucous membranes of the throat and calms irritation.
Thus, honey is effective against fatty coughs and dry coughs.
It also has antiseptic properties that help fight the viruses that cause coughs.
Getting rid of a cough with honey is easy.
Take a teaspoon or two of honey before bed.
For best results, it is best to use honey that is dark in color.
Pay attention !
This treatment is prohibited for children under one year of age.
This is because honey contains bacteria against which they are not immune.
You can also add lemon juice to honey for added effects.
The poultice made from mustard seeds
Little known, this remedy is nevertheless very effective.
It helps expel mucus and phlegm that clogs the airways.
This poultice is effective against coughs and bronchitis in adults.
To cure a cough, wet the poultice in lukewarm water and apply it to the chest and back.
Then use a dry towel to cover the treated areas for five to ten minutes.
Don’t worry, there is no risk of burns.
However, this remedy is prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.
It is also not recommended for children under the age of eighteen.
In addition, in case of fragile skin, refrain from this poultice.
Here are natural remedies to treat dry coughs and fatty coughs.
Unlike pharmaceutical syrups, these solutions are completely natural and chemical free.
However, these remedies do not exclude a visit to the doctor.
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