How to increase your endorphins?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Endorphins are the body’s neurotransmitters that work effectively on opioid receptors.
This substance is secreted by the hypotalomo-pituitary complex during intense activities: arousal, orgasm and pain.
Physical exertion provides a personal well-being that is easily explained by a natural phenomenon.
Find out in this article how to increase your endorphin levels.
All about endorphins
Naturally produced by the body, endorphins have a structure similar to that of the opiates found in opium and heroin.
When this substance acts on the body as well as on the nervous system, the individual can withstand intense effort and can experience a pleasure close to euphoria.
After strong sports activity, for example, the body produces this substance in very large quantities.
This is the reason why it is given the nickname of the hormone of sports pleasure.
It is important to note that during sports activities, the body also produces dopamine which gives a feeling of pleasure.
Which sport to stimulate endorphin?
Well known to all, endorphin is produced in large quantities during sports activities, such as endurance or running.
In general, it is recommended to practice these two sports, as they are the most productive levers of endorphin.
On average, after 30 minutes of activity, your endorphin levels can be five times higher than your body’s at rest.
In winter, opt for cross-country skiing or snowshoeing.
Eating well allows good endorphin secretion
Surprising as it may seem, eating well can increase the rate of endorphin secretion.
Take a piece of chocolate
Many people love chocolate because of its relaxing properties and especially for its exquisite taste.
When you are feeling weak or depressed, chocolates can have a nice mood change.
This is quite simply due to the endorphins released by the chocolate you just ate.
Indeed, chocolate contains anandamide which is a cannabinoid neurotransmitter, but the effects are however less dangerous than those contained in cannabis.
It is well recommended to eat chocolate, but do not rush to buy just any.
Preferably choose dark chocolates.
They contain more chocolate and less sugar, which will not affect your endorphins.
However, consume it moderately.
You can have a wafer of chocolate with you and eat a square when you need a little boost.
Have some chilli pepper
In general, eating chili peppers is a routine for people from Mexico.
Nevertheless, it remains a task that is not pleasant enough for people outside this culture.
However, chili pepper is mainly composed of capsaicin which releases endorphins in the body.
So try to eat raw chilli.
Once the burning sensation has passed, you should experience a feeling of euphoria.
It is also possible to enhance the taste of your dishes by sprinkling them with Cayenne pepper for example.
Cook a good meal
It is not forbidden to indulge yourself from time to time.
A good meal rich in protein and carbohydrates helps release endorphins.
When you are under stress, this type of food helps you feel better.
Eating carbohydrates is very beneficial in increasing these endorphins.
You can enjoy a meal that is high in carbohydrates without compromising a balanced diet.
In addition, to increase the release of endorphin, try stacking foods high in carbohydrates or protein.
Take ginseng
The virtues of this herb are many and very varied including that of the release of endorphins.
Athletes get enough of it to speed up and increase the release of endorphin in their bodies.
Introduce it into your daily life.
Other ways to increase your endorphins
Of course, it’s not just exercise and food to increase your endorphins.
Apart from a good diet and regular exercise, it is advisable to eat fruits such as strawberries, oranges or grapes which help strengthen the nervous system and as well as the receptors.
The practice of relaxation
In order to fight against stress and panic attacks, endorphins play a very important role.
They can be released if you practice several relaxation exercises, for example yoga.
By adopting certain practices and postures, we see a fusion of body and mind.
Whether before or after your workday, yoga is an excellent relaxant and helps release a significant level of the well-being hormone: endorphins.
Laughter is an immediate solution to increasing and releasing endorphins.
It is important to create reasons for yourself to laugh over and over again.
You would feel a feeling of immediate well-being.
Laughter relieves stress and greatly reduces anxiety.
It is important to give a real smile during your day.
Also called Duchenne’s smile, it releases endorphins and leads you to a feeling of euphoria.
Be in love
When you look deeply at a loved one, say, crossing a room, it automatically releases a lot of endorphins.
Sexual practice is a great accelerator and producer of endorphins, especially at the time of orgasm.
It’s a great way and it’s all natural.
Of course, this sometimes takes time and patience.
Lovemaking immediately stimulates the secretion of endorphin.
Love is a powerful stimulator because it helps release certain hormones, which relaxes the body and therefore the muscles.
Masturbation is also a way to release endorphins.
As soon as you come, you feel a satisfaction of total well-being.
You can do this when you feel the need to.
Sometimes, to stimulate your body you have to engage in strenuous and risky activities.
These activities should not be repeated all the time, but only if you need a lot of stimulation.
For example, you can do an elastic jump or mountaineering on a roller coaster.
Ultimately, it should be remembered that endorphins are hormones that allow you to feel incredible well-being.
To stimulate them, you will have to try intense physical activities.
You can exercise to increase your endorphins.
Also, during intercourse, endorphins are increased.
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