Unhealthy shyness: how to get out of it?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The fear of expressing oneself freely; difficulty finding words or getting them out of your mouth; lack of self-confidence, these are just a few signs of sickly shyness.
In fact, sickly shyness is a disorder that affects many people.
These latter are almost every day anxious and stressed when they find themselves in front of an audience.
They are disturbed and have difficulty living in peace.
However, if you have a loved one who suffers from this disability and cannot feel better about themselves, know that it is very possible to get rid of this ailment.
To get there, just read this article which offers you effective tips to counter it.
Breathing exercises to put an end to sickly shyness
Unhealthy shyness is a severe form of shyness that develops in childhood and is usually related to the environment in which the child lives.
It especially affects their ability to live serenely with their peers.
In other words, no one becomes systematically shy from one day to the next.
This disorder begins at a young age.
However, it is possible to counteract it in the person who develops it, shyness is not incurable.
Here, it should be emphasized that no matter how serious this evil is, there are many simple and practical ways to get out of it.
Among these effective means, breathing exercises occupy a prominent place.
They are easy to use and don’t cost a dime.
So, to experience them, all you need to do is unlock the diaphragm to overcome your sickly shyness.
For more convenience, find a quiet and clean place.
Take a deep breath to better control your anxiety.
Keep your eyes closed and make an effort to focus on your breathing.
Do not think about anything and inhale then exhale.
Go slowly while clearing your mind.
Evacuate the negative waves of your being.
You can try this exercise as if you are doing yoga.
Inhale for at least 4 seconds more.
Then stabilize yourself and exhale for at least 4 seconds.
As soon as you notice that you have a balanced and normal breathing, now increase the duration of your exhalations.
Repeat this until you feel comfortable in your own skin.
Do this every time (once or twice a week) that you go to your bathroom.
It’s simple, but very effective in taking back control of your life.
Sports activities to get out of sickly shyness
Sport plays an important role in the life of every man.
In addition to keeping you physically in great shape, it is also beneficial for feeling good psychologically.
And as you know, with sickly shyness being a kind of negative energy stuck in your being, you can easily release this through exercise.
To do this, engage in physical and sports activities such as jogging.
If you are not interested in this activity, you also have the possibility of practicing running or even cycling.
If none of the above grabs your attention, do some strength training.
Of all the obvious, no matter which physical activity you choose, know that it is important for thinking positive thoughts and getting out of your anxiety state.
Exercise regularly in a sport of your choice.
Also, to have more emotions, you can exercise in a group or with your loved ones.
Team sport is also good at rebuilding your thoughts.
In this logic, engage in a football, basketball, tennis or volleyball field.
These examples are great solutions to find your full development.
Because, when you are in a group, you all forget what is blocking your development.
Finally, exercise with those you love the most to quit your sickly shyness.
Try pleasant activities to get out of sickly shyness
If you find yourself stressed out over large and small situations every time, find yourself some fun activities to clear your mind.
For example, go to the cinema to watch a movie, or stay in front of your TV or computer to watch your favorite series.
Another tip, play board games with your loved ones.
Thanks to social networks, you can also easily get out of this state of stress.
It’s up to you to interact virtually with your friends who have the art of making you smile.
You can also do theater, dance or music to do away with this evil.
So don’t hesitate to join one or the other to develop your ability to express yourself freely in front of an audience.
By going to meet new people, you slowly learn to grow and get out of your rascal.
Besides this, you also manage to face your fear as quickly as possible and gain confidence in your potential.
Finally, by sharing these moments of pleasure, you discover the importance of speaking in front of an audience and of defending yourself.
This is possible because when you see how eloquent others speak you are also excited to become like them and you start training.
It is a force that transforms you and keeps you from stress.
Learn to love yourself to get out of sickly shyness
In life, it is often said that no one is perfect.
Everyone has faults and qualities.
So, in order to grow and achieve your goals, you should try not to rely on the eyes of others on you.
Tell yourself that you are a strong person and that your voice matters in a discussion as well.
Raise your head and express yourself freely.
Don’t think about what people will say behind you and don’t be afraid that they will judge you.
Also know that they won’t reject you, no matter how hard you say or not.
In fact, to be sure of getting there, make a list of your qualities and evolve based on what you find.
Hold your head up to move forward.
Even if everything seems dark to you, keep your spirits high.
This is the best way out of shyness.
However, if you feel unable to love and trust yourself, see a psychologist.
Ultimately, that’s how to get out of sickly shyness.