Stress ulcer in the stomach: what solutions?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Generally speaking, an ulcer is a disconcerting situation that causes excruciating pain.
As such, it is obvious that it is important to find the most appropriate solutions to remedy it.
These solutions can be both medicinal or natural.
Whatever they are, they will be able to relieve you as effectively as possible.
Discover the tips to remedy this predicament.
Understanding the ulcer
Before developing the various treatments that can be taken to fight ulcers, it is of utmost importance to know what exactly it is.
The stomach, whether full or not, often uses gastric juices to help you digest.
These juices are very powerful substances.
This is why the stomach is also covered with a mucous membrane which mainly serves to protect itself against them.
However, when the regeneration process of the mucosa is disturbed, gastric juices can cause damage.
These are the ones that cause ulcers to develop.
They often appear as holes or openings in the stomach.
Of course, these are not large sizes.
They measure a few square millimeters.
In this case, we speak of a partial or total ulcer.
In addition, there are two categories of ulcers.
Each of them differs depending on where they are located.
So we have :
- Gastric ulcer, which is found in the stomach. It’s quite rare, but when it does, complications can be serious.
- Duodenal ulcer, which is obviously in the duodenum, is found in 90% of cases.
No matter what causes the ulcer, when it does occur, it is important to treat it quickly.
However, certain factors such as stress can also make it worse.
Adopt the behaviors required to relieve the ulcer
If you already have any type of ulcer, there are some things you can do to help relieve it.
Thus, there are certain actions or habits that you must adopt or avoid in order not to make your case worse.
Avoid tobacco
Tobacco is seriously harmful to health.
In any case, this is what is generally observed.
The fact is that your stomach can also be attacked by the different substances in it.
It is therefore quite obvious that in case of ulcer, tobacco should be avoided.
Avoid alcohol
It is a substance that quickly enters the blood.
It also has the main characteristic of inducing hunger.
Which could still lead to a perforation in your stomach.
In turn, your ulcer may get worse.
Do not consume too much coffee
Like all of the above substances, coffee acts on the lining of the stomach.
The micro-lesions observed can thus become more pronounced.
Avoid stress
Stress is a situation that can lead to several pathologies.
When it comes to ulcers, it should be noted that stress puts a strain on your body.
This will have the consequence of making it work differently.
Since the stomach is at the center of digestion, it is greatly affected by anxiety.
This could therefore make your ulcer worse.
In addition, it is advisable to adopt a good diet as soon as the ulcer is diagnosed.
It will therefore be necessary to avoid dishes that are too fatty or too spicy.
You should also get into the habit of consuming express meals which promote the production of stomach juices.
Consider natural solutions for ulcers
If you want to turn to natural solutions to treat your ulcer, there are some herbs that might be right for you.
In this case, it is better to opt for:
- Licorice known to be an analgesic, it will help you stop feeling pain.
- Fenugreek which has many healing properties in the treatment of ulcers.
- Cabbage, which contains a substance called lactic acid, which has the ability to promote blood flow through the lining of the stomach.This will result in strengthening it.
- Chamomile which considerably reduces inflammation. In turn, it accelerates the healing of the ulcer due to the flavonoid it contains.
- Celery, eggplants and carrots, as they are also very effective in healing ulcers naturally.
- Blueberries, apple wood and garlic, which are foods highly recommended by therapists to relieve ulcers.
- Elm, which has the property of soothing pain and suppressing inflammation of the stomach lining in ulcer cases.
It is not enough to adopt these solutions to have good results.
If this is what you want, it is best to take a dosage.
It is therefore recommended to:
- Consume a maximum of 4 cups of chamomile tea, but you should also make sure to infuse at least 3 g of dried flowers.This in 150 ml of hot water.
- Infuse 3 g of powdered licorice in 150 ml of water. You should do this during the 3 daily meals for at least 1 week.
For cabbage, celery and carrots, you need to:
- Cut half a neck and 2 carrots in a blender.
- Add water to it.
- Strain the juice and drink it before each meal.
- Make juice with fresh celery and drink no more than 5 glasses a day.
Also consider boiling fenugreek in 2 cups of water and straining everything.
Add honey and consume the infusion.
As for the slippery elm, it will have to be crushed.
Then take the trouble to heat a cup of water and pour in an elm spoon.
This drink is to be consumed 3 times a day for 1 week.
Opting for drug treatments
If you have no other choice but to lean into medication, you will have to choose antisecretories which block the production of hydrochloric acids and allow the mucous membrane to heal.
Take for up to 6 weeks.
Antibiotics are a generic remedy.
Most of the time, either amoxicillin or clarithromycin is recommended.
Take it for at least a week.
Consider the possibility of surgery
The risk of having surgery is relatively low.
However, this remains important as long as bleeding occurs.
In this case, the surgeon will be able to suture the vessels responsible for it or to suture the ulcer.
In the event of a gastric ulcer, it is just as important.
This is a relevant remedy for cancer diagnosed at the same time.
In conclusion, the stomach ulcer is linked to chronic stress.
A good knowledge of the causes and aggravating factors is therefore essential for effective treatment.
Using the above recommendations, you can cope with this particularly painful ailment!
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