OCD: how to get rid of it?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

When Obsessive Compulsive Disorders commonly referred to as “OCD” arise in a person’s life or if they have been present since childhood, it is almost impossible to get rid of them given the psychological impacts it has on the mental health of these. people.
However, there are qualitative treatments and supports that generally help those who suffer from it to get rid of it.
Through reading this article, find out how to get rid of OCD.
TOC: what is it?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or “obsessive neurosis” is a psychiatric pathology generally close to neuroses and anxiety disorders.
It is characterized by irrational thoughts, fears and sometimes acts.
The result of this act is more precisely obsession and most often leads to compulsive behavior in the person who suffers from it.
The latter struggles anxiously for the sole purpose of neutralizing this disorder which gradually becomes a haunting fear for her.
Considered the most serious and most embarrassing anxiety disorder for the life of the person who suffers from it, but also for those around him, this pathology manifests itself in insignificant and disabling compulsions.
The most common are: checking, counting rituals and washing rituals.
It must be said that those affected are aware that their obsessions are disproportionate, abnormal and sometimes dangerous.
However, they fail to control them.
How does OCD manifest itself?
More often than not, when a person is worried, anxious or stressed all the time, it is possible that this is an obsession.
Part of it is an idea, an image or a word that imposes itself on the mind relentlessly.
Those who suffer from this pathology perceive their obsessions as something unacceptable.
Thus, to relieve suffering, stress or even anxiety, these people adopt what are called “rites”.
These rituals then become fixations and continue for hours.
For example, they can mean always leaving the lamp on, because you are afraid of the dark.
However, when this person leaves their lamp on in the middle of the day to stop being afraid, it becomes problematic.
Indeed, although the person is aware that it does not make any sense, he feels obligated to continue doing it continuously until it leaves the status of “rites” for that of “compulsion”.
TOC: what are the causes?
The origin of obsessive-compulsive disorder is often not unanimous among researchers in the medical field, because it remains unknown.
Most of the research that has been done shows that OCD is caused by a combination of genetic, biological and environmental factors.
Thus, changes in chemicals in the brain are associated with and are linked to anxiety, anxiety and other similar disorders.
Also, the presence of obsessive-compulsive disorder in a person indicates that it is probably related to genes.
In fact, this pathology has a genetic component since it is found in members of the same family.
OCD can develop following certain bacterial infections contracted in childhood, after an injury, but also after trauma or shock to the head or brain.
However, the main causes of obsessive-compulsive disorder remain unknown, however they are linked to multiple factors.
These factors can be genetic, neurophysiological, immune or even psychological.
What are the consequences of obsessive-compulsive disorder in a person?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder has a huge impact on a person’s quality of life.
Indeed, OCD, which is a serious anxiety disorder, generally affects one in forty adults after scientific research.
It can also affect a child as long as the disorder is genetic in his family.
This makes OCD as common and more serious than some mental illnesses like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder affects and negatively impacts many aspects of a person’s life.
These impacts can be seen in particular in terms of their ability to think, their feelings, their emotions and their behavior.
Symptoms of this pathology can be mild or severe.
Most often, these symptoms may improve or if they do not get worse over time.
When the disorders are very serious, the compulsions and obsessions occupy a whole day and cause a significant disturbance in the brain of the affected person.
However, there are several treatments that can exceptionally lighten the weight of these compulsions.
Getting rid of OCD: what are the solutions to achieve it?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder can become a source of suffering which can be very serious for the carrier.
In this case, there are two effective solutions to alleviate the suffering.
On the one hand, we must identify the symptom and quickly eliminate it.
On the other hand, it is necessary to transform the senseless, absurd and abnormal behaviors, into correct and normal behaviors.
These two techniques are among others psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
Indeed, the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorders have a psychic meaning and access to this knowledge allows one to free themselves from this pathology which has the habit of rotting the lives of carriers.
Depending on the severity of the disorder, there are usually several ways to get rid of it.
When it comes to low-impact, low-impact OCD, cognitive behavioral therapy is often the recommended treatment.
However, the circle of those who do is very closed.
In addition, when the pathology seems very serious, there are drugs which are generally antidepressants such as paroxetine or zoloft.
They act specifically on severe or depressive disorders.
In conclusion, OCD, which is one of the biggest mental illnesses, is being better and better managed.
Fortunately, there are several means and techniques for people carrying this pathology which allow them to get rid of these compulsions which slowly but surely ruin their lives.
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