How to overcome your fear of losing loved ones?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
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Losing someone close to you is never easy, no matter how it happens.
Overcoming this fear is not easy.
However, there are many solutions that can help you in these difficult times.
You will find all the answers to overcome your fear in this article.
Think about death realistically
To overcome your fear, you must begin by recognizing that this feeling of fear that death gives you is a natural occurrence.
Many people fear that a loved one will disappear at some point in their life.
In addition, many are also those who have already lived this tragic experience.
Just thinking about your death or the death of people close to you can lead to paralyzing fear, to say the least.
So remember that it’s not just you who are going through this situation.
If you know someone who has been through such an ordeal before, try to open up.
It may help you.
Acknowledge your emotions and fears.
When your fear of losing someone grows in you, it’s important to focus on something you can control.
If you are caring for a loved one who is ill, for example, stress and suffering could increase in you.
Even if you can help it, you have no control over its longevity.
So it would be best to focus on the help you are able to provide, such as:
- Talk to your loved one to reassure them.
- If you had any differences, now is the time to make peace.
- Set limits for yourself, as caring for a loved one who is ill can quickly become very difficult, and chances are you will be anxious.So limit yourself to what you can do and take care of yourself.
Accepting the loss can also help.
Indeed, according to a study, the fact of accepting the death of a loved one helps to overcome the ordeal.
So accept the fact that there is a possibility that you will lose that person.
Tell yourself that death is part of everyone’s life.
It also makes sense to keep a positive outlook on the world.
By telling yourself that the world is fair, you will feel less sensitive to what you are going through.
Keep in mind that while there is a possibility that you will lose your loved one, you can still spend some time with them.
If this person is really in pain, tell yourself that their pain will end after they die.
Manage your fear of losing a loved one
To deal with your fear, use your adaptability.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with emotions such as pain, fear or depression.
The most used means are:
- Physical exercises.
- Writing.
- Fear.
- Music.
- Prayer.
One of the best ways to deal with your emotions is to express them.
You can also opt for a personal journal in which you can write down whatever you feel.
When you’re anxious or panicking, take a deep breath.
Get somewhere comfortable enough and sit down.
You can also lie down to practice breathing movements.
If you are excessively dependent on a person, the fear of losing them is much greater.
You have to start thinking about being more independent.
Being independent helps you cope better with the loss of a loved one.
You can also think about your importance in society.
Think about the good you are doing around you.
Telling yourself that you are an asset to the company will help keep you going.
It is also essential to give a real meaning to the phenomenon of death.
Even if you are not a believer, tell yourself that the dead continue their existence in another reality.
Spiritual belief can help tremendously in this kind of situation.
Now is the time to strengthen ties with your religion.
Strengthen your social assistance
If this being you love so much is still alive, make the most of the time you have left to spend with him.
Talk to this person about your fondest memories and tell them what you like about them.
Now is the time to tell that person what they mean to you.
Even if you’re not the type of person to show your emotions, be brave enough to tell them that you love them.
You might find it hard to bear the conversation, but you absolutely need to let her know everything on your heart.
You can even choose to list everything you have to say so you don’t forget anything.
This is the best way to avoid regrets.
Whether it’s before or after the loss of a loved one, speak with your family.
There are indeed families that support each other.
This support could help you a lot.
If you don’t have a family member, you can choose to talk to a friend who is very close to you.
You may even be helping a family member by doing this.
Remember to surround yourself with all those who love you.
Share memories or do activities together.
To face the fear of losing a loved one, it is not just the family that can help.
You can also turn to people who you simply trust.
Even if they are not part of the family.
The best way to decrease fear and anxiety is to discuss your thoughts and feelings.
Religious can, however, address their spiritual leader.
Providing support to others can sometimes help cope with the situation.
To overcome fear, it is also important to keep the relationship you have with your loved one “alive”.
Indeed, when it comes to the loss of a loved one, most people fear the end of the relationship that exists between them.
However, you have the option of maintaining the connection through memories, prayers, or emotions.
Realize that the relationship with this important being in your life will never end, even after death.
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