Financial anxiety: how to stop being afraid of missing out?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
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To own is to be afraid of missing out.
The need for money is vital because it is a necessity to survive and meet the needs of daily life.
So, financial insecurity is a problem that can obviously lead to stress.
As fear is a recurring and natural feeling in most people, it can turn into a state of stress when it is due to a lack.
Lack of money can create a state of stress for fear of not being able to carry out your plans.
This feeling of fear induces stress which is more serious than the lack of financial means in itself.
Thus, it is imperative to know how to avoid this lack of financial means which can induce a state of stress.
This article explains how to stop worrying about running out of funds.
Stress and financial shortage
It is not that easy to live with financial difficulties.
Thus, it is difficult to manage a family budget with bills to pay or outstanding debts.
In a consumer society, it is important to recognize that money is both an asset of power and ease.
Generally, the fear of running out of money refers to the anxiety of having to change the way of life.
Thus, the lack can generate a loss of social status, that is to say of the recognition of others and of the gaze of relatives.
Lack of money rhymes with stress because it is sometimes experienced as a humiliation.
We feel helpless and locked in a precarious situation.
Thus, the persistence of financial difficulties prolongs the stress.
Suddenly, self-esteem can suffer because you no longer feel in tune with yourself.
The fear of running out of money is one of the reasons that an individual may find themselves in financial anxiety.
In principle, stress ruins life and psychologically weakens the individual because the worries that accumulate, clutter the brain and end up causing even physical disorders.
Running out of money is stressful because in our societies, to be able to live as we want, we must necessarily have enough money.
So reducing stress about money is about missing out on it as little as possible.
Have self-confidence, communicate when necessary and redefine your relationships with time and money
To no longer be afraid of running out of financial means which can lead to a state of stress, you must above all have confidence in yourself.
In principle, any feeling of lack of self-confidence for the simple fact of not having a large salary should be ruled out.
Indeed, the way we look at things usually causes success or failure.
We have to accept being a different being and recognize that we are not all the same in some ways and need to accommodate individual needs.
It is important to know your own needs which are sometimes biased by the influence of reference groups and to have self-confidence in the event of a reaction to these needs.
So, you absolutely must not listen to those who do not trust you.
Indeed, we must take the time to assess the sources of financial stress in order to be able to develop an appropriate action plan.
Thus, defining an action plan that results in a budget is essential to avoid falling into a lack that can cause financial stress.
However, one should not hesitate to ask for help from family, friends, etc., as social isolation only makes stress worse.
The choice to communicate with loved ones about financial problems helps to relieve the burden of stress.
Indeed, communicating honestly and not wallowing in your fears are necessary in order not to sink into financial stress.
It is of course imperative to work more and use your time because time is only money.
Thus, it is especially necessary to be creative to invest your money well so that at least, it brings more returns.
To no longer be afraid of a lack of money, we must above all redefine the concept of money.
Indeed, financial education is essential because few people are interested in money for what it is, that is, as a medium of exchange.
Knowing how to spend well and preventing
To avoid financial stress, you have to know how to spend.
Compensating for a discomfort with a purchase is not a solution but rather a very short-term dressing that may even worsen the situation.
By nature, the individual is an insatiable being and it is difficult to be content and be satisfied with what one has.
So, some people mistakenly believe that the way to reduce stress is to indulge yourself.
In our societies, we must avoid spending more than necessary at the risk of worsening your financial situation.
It’s important to understand why you are spending and avoid impulse buying as much as possible.
You have to spend thoughtfully and always assess its impact on the budget.
So, to no longer be afraid of running out, you have to avoid unnecessary expenses and focus on what is necessary.
Saving is still the solution that provides more financial security.
Thus, it is impossible to prevent exactly on a plan all the expenses to be incurred.
In this case, having a cushion account is essential to deal with daily unforeseen events and an emergency fund to deal with unexpected events.
The fear of missing out very often leads to looking outward for something that can be found inside.
Thus, to avoid plunging into a state of financial stress, it is better to aim for the joy and the simplicity of being and not having.
Credit is not always a good ally and sometimes exposes you to financial problems because repayment is essential.
Thus, using it to meet needs is a warning sign of financial stress.
Being afraid of running out of money is a feeling that can be very stressful.
Fear is a reality that is practically common to everyone because we are all carriers of the anxiety of lack, of the loss that has inhabited us since birth.
Thus, in view of the undesirable effects of the stress that this fear can generate, we must organize ourselves financially, taking into account the means available so as not to sink into this vacuum that the consumer society creates for us.
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