Carpal tunnel: what natural treatment?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

The median nerve as well as the flexor tendons of the wrists all come together at a canal called the carpal tunnel.
Carpal tunnel syndrome results in compression of the median nerve at this point.
This syndrome affects more women than men and is often likened to a disease of old age.
It is caused by certain repetitive movements.
Carpal tunnel syndrome causes progressive loss of feeling, pain in the palms of the hands, wrists or fingers, and many other consequences.
Since these consequences can cripple your social and professional life, it is important to find solutions.
This is what we are getting down to by offering you in this article natural remedies to relieve carpal tunnel.
Use essential oils
To get rid of the pain caused by carpal tunnel syndrome, essential oils are one of your best allies.
Indeed, some essential oils have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties that help to end the symptoms.
You have several options for doing this.
Combine a drop of peppermint essential oil and a teaspoon of sweet almond oil and use it to gently massage fingers, palms, and wrists as well.
Always to put an end to the pain and to protect yourself from stress, you can make a mixture with 4 drops of vegetable oil of St. John’s wort and arnica and add 3 drops of essential oil of wintergreen.
The resulting mixture will be used to massage the fingers, wrists and forearms.
These massages can be done about three times a day, depending on the intensity of the pain.
In addition, pregnant and breastfeeding women should stay away from this solution, because essential oils are generally prohibited for them.
Place green clay poultices
Green clay poultices are also very effective in relieving carpal tunnel pain.
Indeed, green clay is a powerful anti-inflammatory product which also has remineralizing properties.
So not only do green clay poultices relieve pain, but they also provide nutrients that can boost tissue regeneration.
To use this remedy, you just need to mix green clay with a little warm water.
Then you put the paste on compresses before placing them on the wrists.
Wait about 30 minutes for the poultice to work.
If the pain is really severe, you can leave it on for an hour.
You can resume the operation as many times as you want.
However, avoid mixing in a plastic or metal jar.
Bet on foods rich in B6 vitamins
Studies from several years ago show that carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by a lack of vitamin B6 in the body.
Thus, it is recommended to fill this deficiency by eating foods rich in vitamin B6.
Indeed, this vitamin promotes the regeneration of nerve stimulation in the hands.
It also facilitates the maintenance of nervous tissue.
The foods to favor in this context are among others salmon, brown rice, the white part of the chicken, nuts, green vegetables, cereal shoots and shellfish.
For a faster effect, it is advisable to combine foods rich in vitamin B6 with foods rich in magnesium.
It should be added that this natural trick can be used both for the treatment and for the prevention of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Do yoga
Practicing yoga helps you fight one of the symptoms of Carpal Tunnel disease, tingling fingers.
However, these are not all postures in yoga.
So to reduce the tingling in your fingers with yoga poses, here’s what to do.
To start, place your palms together and hold them firmly.
Then point the fingers up and then keep the forearms in the horizontal position.
While maintaining the same pressure, hold yourself in this position for about 45 seconds.
This posture is to be repeated the number of times you wish.
As a complement to this yoga exercise against tingling fingers and stress, massage the fingers with olive oil.
So gently massage the bones of the fingers and other affected parts several times a day.
Use hot and cold
One of the most widely used is the cold method for providing immediate pain relief.
Indeed, the cold is an excellent anti-inflammatory.
So, to relieve your pain, you just need to place ice on the affected areas.
Beforehand, you must cover the ice with a clean, fine cloth.
After about ten minutes, you remove the towel and then massage the area.
Massage helps to boost blood circulation, but also prevents muscles from stiffening.
Like cold, hot also helps relieve pain, although this is a little-known method.
In fact, the heat relaxes your muscles.
For this natural trick, all you need to do is extend your hands in lukewarm water for about 15 minutes.
Do this every night before going to bed.
Use arnica
The arnica plant is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it used to relieve pain in general.
So, to relieve carpal tunnel syndrome you can use arnica as a compress or as an ointment.
If you opt for the ointment, you will have to do the massage morning and evening.
All you have to do is pass the cream around your wrist and then gently massage in using your thumb.
Massage until the symptoms disappear completely.
As for the compress, you can use arnica tea.
To make this decoction, all you need to do is add a tablespoon of dried arnica flowers to a cup of boiled water.
Then you let it infuse for about ten minutes and then apply a compress soaked in the solution to the affected areas.
You can do this several times a day until you are completely satisfied.
Ultimately, it’s worth remembering that carpal tunnel syndrome is not a bad thing to be taken lightly.
It can indeed have serious consequences and require surgery in the event of a complication.
By using these natural tips, you are sure to be able to relieve pain.
However, in case the pain persists, do not hesitate to contact your doctor.
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