5th spiritual dimension: how to enter?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
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Make no mistake about it!
Human nature is not just about the physical shell we see (the body).
It is above all, a full-fledged spiritual entity.
And as such, it is the duty of Man to seek to continuously increase his spiritual consciousness.
He must, therefore, understand himself and understand what participates in his nature and his person.
In this exercise, the planet Earth where he lives will play a big role.
Made of love and light, it takes humanity to its dimension of higher consciousness: this is the fifth dimension.
Here we tell you how to reach this high and much sought after level of spirituality.
Understanding the fifth spiritual dimension
The first door that opens on the path to accessibility of the fifth spiritual dimension is that of understanding.
Without understanding this level of spiritual awareness, it will be difficult for you to access it.
To do this, you must begin by establishing the difference between other levels of spiritual consciousness and this one.
The intermediate levels of spiritual consciousness are so low that it is difficult for man to really understand who he is.
It is true that planet Earth does not deprive its inhabitants of its love, even when they are still in the dark.
However, she constantly struggles with this exercise in love for various reasons.
Man’s negativity, his permanent exposure to stress, the heaviness of his thoughts have always constituted barriers for the ascendance of the Earth to the abundance of light, that is to say, of the fifth spiritual dimension.
However, by dint of persevering and helped by the celestial spheres, the efforts ended up paying off.
Today, planet Earth is coming out of the darkness of the spiritual fourth dimension to enter the light of the fifth dimension with happiness.
The ideal is that this light, already on earth, manages to evolve and occupy all spheres of life.
However, this reality cannot be possible if all of humanity does not access this fifth dimension.
This is the interest for you to engage in this search for spiritual greatness.
Stay in touch with the inner being to understand his divine nature
It is true that the Earth plays an important role in your ascendance to high spirituality.
However, it cannot do anything for you without your own contribution.
No outside help will be more useful to you than that which comes from yourself.
You have understood the fifth dimension and its interest.
This is a first step, but it is not final!
You must also seek to understand your divine nature.
It requires direct and sincere contact with your inner being, your soul.
You will understand after this exercise that you are a god.
You have been sent to planet Earth for a specific purpose.
Indeed, from the third and the fourth dimension of spirituality, free will is left to Man.
The point is actually to bring you to an awareness of your divine power.
This way you have the flexibility to shape your existence however you like.
The fifth dimension goes even further by giving more power to this power.
At this level of spiritual awareness, it is the energies of Pure Love and Pure Light that are relevant.
They therefore force Man to become aware of his divine nature while freeing himself from the inhibitors that are: stress, fear, hatred, anger … and to be in harmony with the consciousness of his planet.
Awareness and proclamation of your divine nature should lead you to find a purpose in your presence on planet Earth.
Of course, not all answers come automatically on the first try, but as you persevere, the spark of enlightenment gradually distills its light on your path to spiritual ancestry.
Put aside the material need
To grow spiritually, you must no longer continue to grow your carnal nature.
In reality, it is the flesh of Man which is concerned with the material (food, drink, housing, clothing …).
Your walk into the fifth dimension of spiritual awareness must allow you to let go of all of this.
You must consider all of this to be fleeting while your divine power is eternal.
With this spiritual dimension, your inner peace will not be disturbed.
It will remain steadfast even in the face of loss of material goods or during financial shocks.
On the contrary, you will be able to detect in each situation, the spiritual dimension which is hidden there.
Believe it or not, life on Earth and everything that happens there is purely spiritual.
And it is by means of the difficulties that you must build your life, in particular, the spiritual one.
So, even if everything does not always turn out as one would like, there is bound to be a supreme being, God, who provides for everyone’s needs.
The fight for the frantic search for material is therefore not yours!
Stay tuned
Concentration and listening are also values that must be cultivated if one wishes to access a higher spiritual awareness.
You must be able to see beyond the visible, the spiritual significance of each event.
Take a step back and see in relation to each unexpected solution that comes to decant a situation, the events that precede it.
You will notice that even the most insignificant detail matters.
Your listening should therefore lead you to understand that great spiritual happiness is nothing other than the sum of small spiritual pleasures.
If you really pay attention to these signs, you will easily notice that life is just wonderful.
And the key to this happiness is buried within you.
To come to grips with it is to reach the fifth level of spiritual consciousness.
From this moment, your existence will only be light and love permanently.
Conclusion: getting to know each other to better build oneself
Far from being a mirage, the fifth spiritual dimension is an ideal of consciousness towards which every human being should seek to strive.
Knowing yourself physically is useful for this, but what is even more useful is knowing yourself spiritually.
Knowing and understanding who you are will allow you to access the fifth spiritual dimension, and therefore, to join the Love and Light of your planet Earth.
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