
How to love others and forgive people?

How to love others and forgive people?

It is beautiful to love, and one of the hardest things to do is forgive. Either way, it’s about accepting the other. An acceptance which implies to tolerate his faults …

How to open the third eye chakra (Ajna)?

How to open the third eye chakra (Ajna)?

Are you having difficulty making important decisions? Do you feel disconnected from your intuition? Do you feel too strongly attached to external things like money, relationships, food, or status? Do …

How to open the throat chakra (Vishuddha)?

How to open the throat chakra (Vishuddha)?

According to Buddhist and Hindu beliefs, the chakras are vast reservoirs of energy in the human body. There are 7 in number, and there are many consequences of blocking one …

How to open the heart chakra (solar plexus)?

How to open the heart chakra (solar plexus)?

According to Hindu and Buddhist beliefs, the chakras are energy vessels that govern the physiological qualities of the body. There are seven main chakras. In the upper part of the …

Unconditional love: how to live it fully?

Unconditional love: how to live it fully?

Seen from several angles, it has various characteristics and we distinguish several types, in this case unconditional love. This is a variant of love which is devoid of any interest …

Previous life: how to know and remember?

Previous life: how to know and remember?

Subject of discussion, the past life is seen as a reality for many people. Thus, there are many techniques for remembering one’s past life. These usually involve regression through a …

Inner powers: how to develop your gifts?

Inner powers: how to develop your gifts?

Many people have inner powers within them that are still unknown to them, and you may be one of them. It is thus possible to have inner powers without noticing …

5th spiritual dimension: how to enter?

5th spiritual dimension: how to enter?

Make no mistake about it! Human nature is not just about the physical shell we see (the body). It is above all, a full-fledged spiritual entity. And as such, it …