Rhodiola rosea : Reviews on this anti-stress plant
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Rhodiola rosea is a herbal medicine.
It is useful for stress relief, energy loss and reduced mental capacity.
More and more people are turning to herbal solutions to solve their health problems.
Indeed, they think herbal medicines are safer than prescription drugs.
We will see together the origin of this anti-stress medication, its benefits and especially the possible dangers that await you during its use.
Finally, we will offer you a solution to avoid the risks associated with its consumption.
What is Rhodiola ?
Rhodiola, also known as golden root, is a plant that grows at high rocky elevations.
It is found in the mountains of Arctic Siberia.
It is the root of Rhodiola which contains the much sought after nutritional and health properties.
This particular herb is a well known natural remedy for stress and anxiety.
Rhodiola has been the subject of numerous studies and researches in the former Soviet Union.
The Soviet army used the root to supply energy to its troops as they crossed long mountain passes.
For many centuries, many European and Asian countries have used it to treat many diseases.
For example: tiredness, depression, anemia, impotence, gastrointestinal complaints, infections and disorders of the nervous system.
What are the health benefits of Rhodiola rosea ?
Rhodiola root has been the subject of more than 200 clinical studies since 1960.
Much of the initial research was carried out in the Soviet Union.
Today, research is carried out all over the world.
The main health benefits of Rhodiola
• Increases energy and endurance;
• Significantly reduces stress levels;
• Helps promote mental clarity;
• Improves mood;
• Improves sexual performance;
• Promotes healthy and deep sleep.
How does this herb help relieve stress and anxiety ?
The golden root stimulates neurotransmitters and improves their effects on the brain.
This means that this particular herb improves the brain’s ability to process serotonin.
It is a neurotransmitter that helps the body adapt to stress.
When your body adapts better to stress, you develop more tolerance for stress.
This means that the physical effects that stress had on your body before starting this supplement will be reduced.
Risks linked to the consumption of Rhodiola Rosea
Many sources claim that it is a safe plant with very few side effects.
And yet, the risks are very real and we must be very careful in the consumption of this plant.
The most common side effects are :
• Difficulty sleeping;
• Drowsiness;
• Gastrointestinal crises;
• Headache and dizziness.
These side effects usually happen when you take a higher dose and take it with caffeine.
Any stimulant or new weight loss product containing caffeine will make the following symptoms worse :
• Anxiety and restlessness;
• Nausea;
• Agitation;
• Insomnia;
• Hyper salivation.
The dangers of Rhodiola for people with diabetes
Rhodiola can lower blood sugar.
If patients take medications to lower blood sugar, their levels could drop dangerously.
And if their levels drop too low and the blood sugar goes down, they can pass out.
Hypoglycemia can have as dangerous consequences as hyperglycemia.
Risks of consuming Rhodiola for blood pressure
Rhodiola rosea can change blood pressure.
It can also increase the risk of bleeding when taken with aspirin or blood thinners.
It should not be taken with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen.
Risks associated with autoimmune disorders
Rhodiola can increase the symptoms of autoimmune diseases because it stimulates the immune system.
Ailments can be accentuated by the use of Rhodiola rosea in particular :
• Rheumatoid arthritis;
• Inflammatory bowel disorders;
• Neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis;
• Autoimmune thyroid disorders.
Contraindications in the consumption of Rhodiola rosea
In addition to the risks that we have just presented, the consumption of Rhodiola rosea is contraindicated for certain patients.
These are precisely those whose biochemical status is unknown, and who suffer from anxiety.
As paradoxical as it may seem, it can actually worsen anxiety symptoms in these people.
Rhodiola should also not be prescribed to patients with sensitivity to antidepressants.
What are the anti-stress alternatives to Rhodiola rosea ?
Consuming an anti-stress plant like Rhodiola rosea has many benefits.
However, these often tend to mask the enormous dangers that such consumption can cause.
It is therefore dangerous to bet everything on this plant in order to achieve well-being.
This is why an alternative exists which consists in following a complete anti-stress program.
You don’t have to settle for an apparently easy solution to hope to solve all of your stress problems.
Follow a comprehensive program to combat your anxiety attacks by learning to eat well, breathe calmly, and learn other daily practices.
These will greatly contribute to your physical and mental well-being.
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