Lice : how to get rid of it ?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Lice are tiny little insects that can sometimes be found on several parts of the body.
When they are not quickly eliminated, they can easily multiply and spread everywhere, affecting other parts of the body or other people if touched.
These insects are really annoying and they are present most of the time in the hair.
It is therefore necessary, as soon as you notice their appearance, to get rid of it, and this, as soon as possible.
To do this, several solutions exist to fight against lice.
Discover some of them in this article.
Keep your home clean
Of all the tips, this seems the most effective for getting rid of lice.
It consists in keeping your home clean on a daily basis.
To do this, regularly clean all the nooks and crannies of your home.
Use a vacuum cleaner for the floor and your furniture.
Also, store your personal belongings and always keep them clean.
To do this, you can machine wash your linens at a temperature of about 54 ° C / 130 °F.
Especially, those of the person who is affected by these parasites.
After that, it is important to dry clothes using a dryer.
Apart from these safety measures, heat all your hair accessories.
These are combs and brushes.
Put them in water heated to 54 ° C / 130 °F or slightly above.
Leave them in this water for 5 to 10 minutes.
It’s very effective at killing lice.
Another precaution, be very attentive and check the hair of your children every day.
Use a lice comb for convenience.
Regular checking of the nape of the neck and the back of their ears is very helpful in avoiding lice.
Contact a doctor
When you or your children start scratching their heads regularly, do not hesitate to contact a doctor for a consultation.
This is also essential when you feel that your skin or that of your loved ones is starting to be damaged.
If it is lice, it can offer treatments that can get rid of these unwanted insects.
The treatments he could prescribe are mostly using the cream with 1% permethrin or using the lotion with 0.5% malathion.
These two treatments are powerful in eliminating lice.
It should also be noted that the shampoo with 0.33% pyrethrin and the lotion containing 5% benzyl alcohol can be recommended to live serenely away from lice.
Finally, note that Spinosad 0.9% and topical lotion with 0.5% ivermectin are also recommanded.
These are all very convenient prescription treatments for living away from these little creatures and away from the stress they can cause you and to your loved ones.
Opt for natural products
There are several natural remedies to get rid of lice as quickly as possible.
The best known are vegetable oils such as tea tree oil and anise oil.
Many also use ylang-ylang oil to kill lice, but also their eggs.
For the use of these oils, it is enough to pass them on the parts of the body affected by these insects.
Other remedies such as the use of butter or mayonnaise or petroleum jelly are effective against lice.
All these products are sold at low prices and you can easily find them everywhere.
However, if none is right for you, you can test others to find the one that works for you.
You could also make your own essential oil blend to keep lice away.
Mix the essential oil of tea tree with that of eucalyptus.
The quantity for these two essential oils is 5 ml for tea tree oil and 5 ml for eucalyptus oil.
When you have your essential oil blend, apply it on the areas attacked by lice.
Do this every day for 20 minutes.
After a few days, lice will disappear.
Specific natural hair treatments
There are specific natural solutions for this part of the body.
Popular ones are the use of essential oils of lavender, peppermint, nutmeg, cloves and red thyme.
They are powerful for getting rid of lice.
They are used at night and you just need to apply the one of your choice on the scalp.
Use a cotton ball for a better application on the scalp.
Soak it with the chosen oil and then use it to rub the scalp properly.
For quick results, add petroleum jelly to the oil you have chosen.
Once applied all over the head, just go to sleep.
The next day, comb your hair and then rinse it off with lukewarm water if possible.
These oils being suffocating agents, they will quickly get rid of these disturbing little beasts.
Besides, if you don’t feel like testing these essential oils, you can turn to apple cider vinegar to kill lice.
This method is very economical and very practical.
In addition, it is suitable for almost everyone.
To make it, pour 125 mL of apple cider vinegar into a container and add 125 mL of drinking water.
Apply this mixture regularly on the hair and especially on the scalp.
Comb hair and let it sit for 20 minutes.
Then rinse your hair.
All lice will be eliminated.
Tips for pubic lice
Sometimes, apart from the hair and skin, lice also attack the pubic area.
It is during sexual intercourse that this usually occurs, the name given to them in this case is crab lice.
Fortunately there are simple and practical solutions to eliminate them like using a foam which contains pyrethrin.
The foam containing piperonyl is also effective in countering them.
For their use, carefully read and follow the instructions for satisfactory results.
If these solutions don’t work for you, just epilate your pubic area and use a natural remedy to treat that part of your body.
For example, you can apply coconut oil to your shaved pubic area.
Eliminating lice can be very quick and final when using one or more of these solutions.
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