How to stop being afraid of the future?
Written by: Loris Vitry (holistic coach)
Validated by: Cathy Maillot (Osteopath)
Caution: If you have any medical questions or concerns, please speak to your doctor. Even if the articles on this site are based on scientific studies, they do not replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Knowledge of the future has always been one of the major concerns of human existence.
This is how he desperately wants to know what the future holds.
And at the same time, he fears this future because he has always been programmed to believe in an apocalyptic future, a catastrophic future.
Which certainly causes a feeling of stress, anxiety, fear.
But how do you eliminate this fear of the future?
Otherwise, how do you stop being afraid of the future?
We are going through this article to give 5 ways to live in all serenity your present without ever being afraid of the future.
To stop being afraid of the future is to accept the unknown
The power of imagination that we have is very often the source of our fear.
We have a lot of misrepresentations in our heads based on the ideas and concepts we receive from outside.
Our capacity for imagination is very verbose and limitless.
It is often very difficult for us to control it.
Our desire for knowledge drives us to explore worlds unknown to our unconscious.
But the discovery of these hitherto ignored territories can cause great fear in Man who did not know the existence of this unknown world and who does not know how to approach and tame them.
The first fear to be overcome is the acceptance of the unknown, it is the first step that Man must take in himself.
Once the fear of the unknown is overcome, you will stop being afraid of the future.
The mental images that scare you are often a projection or anticipation of the future.
You have to start by accepting and facing the unknown that your imagination presents to you to stop being afraid of the future.
Knowing the depths of your soul is inevitable before you stop being afraid of the future.
To stop being afraid of the future is to believe in your dreams
Every man must have plans and believe in his dreams.
Our brain always needs to be filled with a strong desire to better unfold.
The brain needs to be stimulated, which is why you need to find sources of personal motivation to believe in the future.
By soaking up the present and all that surrounds us, we are positive about the present and we project into the future with hope and confidence.
This is why it is important to have dreams, ambitions, long-term plans to be able to stop being afraid of the future.
With everything you care about, you will have to live a long time to see it all happen in the future.
For example, make a 10-year insurance or house-building savings plan or even aspire to have your own business in 5 years, you will see that your fear of the future will fade because you now have an opportunity, a source of motivation to want to face the future whatever it is and see at all costs the accomplishment of all those projects which are very important to you.
As you see, feeding on projects and dreams stops the fear of the future.
To stop being afraid of the future is to connect to the divine in yourself
Lack of self-confidence is the source of doubt, hesitation, and resignation.
Anyone who doubts moves away from the divine within him.
He cannot take up any challenge, no challenge.
He becomes like a person without real will, without conviction and who believes in nothing, neither in himself, nor in the divine, even less in the future.
This person could develop a suicidal mentality because he no longer has a benchmark, a compass to lead him into the future.
This person becomes like a ship sailing without a rudder.
The connection to the divine in you, will make you glimpse the future which exists from all eternity, which knows neither beginning nor end.
You will understand that your fear of the future makes no sense because now you are one with the divine who has never been afraid of him.
Connect with the divine within you and eventually you will see that your fear of the future will stop.
The great Masters of mankind have all experienced connection and merging with the divine within them to absorb all their existential fears.
Returning to a divine presence within oneself could effectively help you fight your negative thoughts and restore your energy to stop being afraid of the future.
Once you connect to the divine, you will surely understand that the future does not exist, neither does the past, only the present counts.
So the big question is: why be afraid of the future when it does not exist?
To stop being afraid of the future is to live in the present
You have to understand that we cannot change everything.
There are realities that you have to live with even if we don’t agree.
We must be responsible.
For example, we must all abide by the rules and laws that govern society or else we will be treated like an outlaw and have you subjected to the rigors of the law.
This is the present we are living in.
Acceptance of the present might limit fear of the future because the future is secure when the present has been well put together.
You now understand that the future is preparing for the present.
If, for example, you haven’t built the foundation today, don’t expect a miracle in the future.
The present determines the future.
You need to be aware of this reality and conform to it in order to properly envision the future.
If you don’t take care of yourself right now, you can mortgage your future.
Non-acceptance of the present and even fear of the present can de facto lead to fear of the future.
You must sow in the present to reap in the future.
The fear of the future comes from the fact that many people have not achieved anything now.
To stop being afraid of the future is to expect everything in the future
It may seem contradictory to expect all of this in the future.
In fact, this is proof of pragmatic realism.
No one knows the future so it would be interesting to consider all the patterns right now so as not to be surprised.
Such a state of mind prompts you to make a plan to come out on top in any situation that will arise in the future.
To do this, you must imagine the most catastrophic events as well as the most glorious.
With such mental preparation, you will be strong to face the future without any fear because you have made all your arrangements.
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