Lose weight

Gastric bypass: operation to overcome obesity?

Gastric bypass: operation to overcome obesity?

Obesity is a serious medical condition. Several people in the world are affected today by this disease and several factors are involved. Our contemporary lifestyle with sedentary lifestyle, unhealthy diet, …

Menopause: how to lose belly?

Menopause: how to lose belly?

Menaupose is a crucial stage in the life of a woman, marking the preludes of the fifties and the end of the menstrual cycle. With the hormonal changes, a woman …

Obesity: how to lose weight quickly?

Obesity: how to lose weight quickly?

A life full of bad habits or excess consumption of too fatty and sweet foods can lead to obesity. The over-accumulation of fat can be very harmful to health, and …

Lose belly : how to get slim naturally ?

Lose belly : how to get slim naturally ?

Gaining weight from the belly is quite common when you are not paying attention to yourself. You end up with curves that are not welcome. Race results: you can’t get …